Temet Nosce - Corporate

A tailored service for your respective professions

Temet Nosce, Swiss School of Therapeutic and Medical Hypnosis, offers educational courses, workshops or team-building in Geneva adapted to the unique and multiple needs of small to large companies as well as all medical structures.

In addition, we regularly intervene in the clinical and hospital sector for the comfort of patients and offer appropriate training for nursing staff.

Intervention dans les entreprise

Strengthen the well-being of your employees

Employees play a decisive role in the success of a company. Their motivation, commitment , cooperation and personal qualities are invaluable assets.

However, absenteeism, poor communication, negative stress, demotivation, psychosomatic illnesses, or burnout often hamper human potential and generate significant costs for the company.

Temet Nosce Corporate offers expertise to identify these problems, practical training to learn how to solve them and a follow-up to promote the full expression of individual potential.

Improving quality and reducing costs are essential. But they are not detrimental to the well-being of employees. In this perspective, Temet Nosce Corporate, supports a balanced and Win-Win approach where what is good for employees is good for business.

The various classes, workshops or team-building programs develop people's self-confidence, provide them with new tools for hypnosis, stress and conflict management, NVC, communication and neurolinguistic programming and harmonize working relationships between collaborators. They also make it possible to develop the strength of the team and reinforce the links between people. Ultimately, the team obtains more fluidity and operates with more serenity. It is proven that the state of well-being of an employee significantly improves his/her daily health.

Employees fully achieve their goals

The company increases its profitability

Employees collaborate more effectively

The Company achieves cohesion

Employees are healthier

The Company lowers absenteeism costs

Employees see their involvement recognized

The company benefits from a spirit of initiative

Employees feel valued

The company stimulates spontaneous engagement

Employees are smiling

The company enjoys a positive image

Intervention in hospital and clinical care

Temet Nosce Corporate has a team trained to intervene in any type of medical care. Qualified therapists are already working with anesthetists and doctors either in the operating room or on an outpatient basis to prepare and accompany the patient during the procedure.

Patients then benefit from maximum comfort during operations and recover more quickly from the postoperative consequences: Better healing, reduction in hospital stay, better pain management and a significant reduction in analgesics.

Opérations sous hypnose
Outils pour ses patients

Acquire additional tools for their patients

In the hospital setting, employees are in constant contact with patients. From reception to care, the various care providers may encounter resistance, refusals or even altercations.

Increasing abidance to care requires know-how based on compliance, understanding and communication with the patient population. Temet Nosce Corporate offers you adapted training in the healthcare environment according to each person's specialties. After a After studying and observing the needs of the nursing staff, simple tools will be taught combining better communication and cooperation with patients, through exercises aimed at achieving a physical and mental balance in the context of health. These Neurolinguistic Programming, conversational and everyday hypnosis tools and body language are useful not only for patients but also for all staff wishing to improve their daily lives.

One of our main tasks is to make audiences aware of the stakes of the various reactions creating tensions. Patient care is then not managed as well. Employees can therefore obtain benefits and consequently make their work more enjoyable on a daily basis. Better links between patients and collaborators are created and thus facilitate efficient care.

Medical courses

Temet Nosce Corporate also specializes in pain management to reduce pain in patients, faster postoperative convalescence with reduced painkillers, better healing and fewer side effects from drugs. Training courses reserved for the medical profession are targeted according to your field: Support in various common clinical applications to facilitate care, such as medico-technical acts (blood test, sutures, post-operative care), pain, anesthesia (hypno-sedation), dermatology, preparation of patients for outpatient care (fluoroscopy, scanner), childbirth, post-operative support or psychotherapeutic applications: anxiety disorders, stress, depression.

Further information

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